
Crop Protection Chemicals

  • At Charles R. Wynne Ltd. we have direct access to arable and grassland chemicals from the leading chemical manufacturers and distributors.
  • Chemicals are available from our premises at Belan, Moone and Bridgemills, Tullow

Agronomy and Technical Advice 

  • Our experienced agronomists are IASIS qualified and participate in a programme of Continuous Professional Education (CPE)
  • We can provide a comprehensive crop walking and technical service for cereals, grass, OSR, peas, beans, maize, beet, etc.
  • All crop recommendations comply with cross compliance legislation and best use guidelines.

Grain Sourcing and Purchasing 

When producing coarse rations for retail, grain of the highest quality is of paramount importance. Locally sourced, high bushel-weight grain is purchased by Charles R. Wynne Ltd for use in our manufacturing facility, for re-trading to other manufacturers in the industry as well as supply of whole grains to pig facilities.
As well as being of the highest quality, all of our grain is produced by farmers who are IGAS approved. This involves these farmers being compliant with the necessary quality control procedures required to produce and sell grain off farm.

For all our grain growers, the prerogative is simple, the better the quality, the greater the reward. Low moisture, high bushel grain sees bonuses added to base prices by means of a set grain-pricing grid.

Also farmers who wish to limit their exposure of selling their produce to a single period of the year, i.e harvest, can avail of our forward selling mechanism. On any given day of the year, farmers can make contact with our sales professionals and enquire as to the market price of “green” or “dry” harvest grain. If the price is deemed to be sufficient, then the farmer can sell a proportion of their grain to us at the agreed price and supply once harvested.

Grain Storage and Trading options 

We also offer customers the option of storing their grain with us, either for their own use or for selling at a later date if they wish.
Storing and selling at a later date has the advantage of being able to benefit from a rise in the grain market if this so happens.

For those who wish to use their own grain, many options exist in which to do so. Grain can utilised by the customer either by

  1. As part of a balanced coarse ration
  2. As processed Toasted Flaked Grain
  3. As part of a Toasted Cereal Mixture
  4. As whole, dry grain ex store

Both of the above options are subject to our drying and storage charges and information on these can be obtained from either of our branches.