
At Charles R. Wynne Ltd. we offer a complete range of quality fertilizers for both livestock and tillage farms.
We can supply fertilizer in 50kgs and 500kgs bags and in bulk.
We stock fertilizer from leading suppliers including Greenfields, Gouldings and Target.
Our agronomists are available to recommend which fertilizers best suit your individual needs.
Five easy steps to fertilizer management
1. Soil tests – know your soil’s nutrient levels
Major nutrients Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur, Calcium
Minor nutrients Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Boron, Molybdenum, Iron and Chlorine
All are required for crop growth and development
2. Correct soil pH – maximize nutrient availability and uptake, target soil pH should be,
Grassland 6.0
Cereals 6.5
OSR, Beet, Peas and Beans 7.0
3. Crop nutrients can be supplied from three sources
firstly by soil reserves
added to by manures and slurries if available
and the deficit supplied by chemical fertilizer
4. Calculate Chemical fertilizer requirement based on
Crop type and yield potential
Choose a fertilizer program that best matches your crop’s needs e.g., Urea versus CAN versus Kan (Koch Advanced Nitrogen)
Examples of chemical fertilizer requirements for winter wheat, spring barley and first cut grass silage.

Winter Wheat
Assuming continuous winter wheat N index 1, P and K index 3
Target yield 10t/ha
P=38kg/ha K=100kg/ha 
Spring Barley
Assuming continuous spring barley N index 1, P and K index 3
Target yield 7.5t/ha
P=28.5kg/ha K=85kg/ha 
First Cut Silage
Assuming P and K index 3
No organic manures applied
P=20kg/ha K=120kg/ha 

5. Monitor and Respond
• Monitor crop yields and performance
• Make changes to your nutrition programme accordingly
• During the growing season use crop tissue samples to check the crop's nutrient status

Grasslands Herbicides

Grass is Irelands biggest forage crop. Year on year, progress is being made to increase the production potential of new grasses so that more milk, beef, lamb, etc can be produced from the land.
Without excellent grassland weed control, the production potential of a grass sward cannot be met.
At Charles R Wynne Ltd, we supply a leading range of herbicides to tackle weed populations in grassland such as Docks, Chickweed, Rushes, Thistles & Nettles.
Our team of agronomists are fully trained to identify the weed burden in your fied and set out a programme to achieve best weed control results. This may be in a situation where clover for example, may need to be saved.

Please contact one of our agronomists or alternatively either of our branches to speak to us today.

Tillage Chemistry

Crop Protection Chemicals

At Charles R. Wynne Ltd. we have direct access to arable and grassland chemicals from the leading chemical manufacturers and distributors. 
Chemicals are available from our premises at Belan, Moone and Bridgemills, Tullow

Agronomy and Technical Advice

• Our experienced agronomists are IASIS qualified and participate in a programme of Continuous Professional Education (CPE)
• We can provide a comprehensive crop walking and technical service for cereals, grass, OSR, peas, beans, maize, beet, etc.
• All crop recommendations comply with cross compliance legislation and best use guidelines.

Useful Links


Why not contact us? Expert advice is always available on crop protection chemicals for individual conditions