Certified Grass Feeds

  • Best Varieties: We use the highest quality grass varieties in our own tailor made grass seed mixtures.
  • Up-to-Date: Our grass seed mixtures are updated annually to include the newest high performing varieties.
  • Suppliers: Our grass and clover seeds are sourced from leading suppliers in the industry.

Certified Tillage Seeds
We supply a wide range of certified seeds supplied from the leading seed companies.
  • Cereals - Barley, Wheat and Oats available with specific seed dressings including Redigo Deter, Latitude, Manganese, etc.
  • Break Crops - Oilseed Rape, Peas and Beans.
  • Forage Crops - Beet, Maize, Fodder Rape and Kale.
  • Cover Crops – Cover Crop mixtures and straight products, e.g., mustard, phacelia, tillage radish, vetches, etc.